GLASS-ED Clinics & Educational Opportunities
** It is required that all riders wear a helmet when participating in GLASS-ED events. **
Click here to register online for all GLASS-ED Clinics.
Date: November 16th & 17th
Location: Willow Ridge Stables - 3700 8th Ave, Hudsonville
Freestyle Clinic - English & Western Dressage
Riders (entire weekend)
GLASS-ED Members - $250
(Includes a stall)
Auditors (entire weekend)
GLASS-ED Members - $25
Non-Members - $50

Together, Kimberly Dunlap and Brittany Hunter have produced many successful and award winning Freestyles from Training to 3rd Level, including two Year End Championships at 3rd Level as well as Pas de Deux!
So many people dream of riding Freestyle, but have no idea where to start. This clinic was created to familiarize you with the process and guide you through designing your first Freestyle.
Day 1 - Introduction to Musical Freestyle
Morning: Introductory Lecture
Assessing gaits, BPM, & selecting the right music
Understanding Freestyle test requirements
Introduction to choreography
Ridden sessions
Assessing gaits & collecting video samples.
Exploring choreography possibilities.
Day 2 - Building Your Freestyle
Morning ridden sessions
Exploring musical possibilities, with musical selections provided by Brittany Hunter / Equisonic Studio
Afternoon wrap up lecture - putting it all together
Most participants should leave with a working draft of freestyle choreography and suggested musical selections.
Additional private lessons to complete or practice Freestyle will be offered at 50% off.
Final music editing services offered for a fee. Will include show-ready CD and electronic file. Show coaching for Freestyle offered.

Date: May 4th & 5th
Location: Pine Lake Stables - 12300 Pine Lake Road, Plainwell
Straight to the Point(s) with Ida Norris - Improving Straightness in All Areas of Dressage to Improve Your Score
Riders (per ride)
GLASS-ED Members - $100
Non-Members - $150
Auditors (entire weekend)
GLASS-ED Members - $10
Non-Members - $20
In this two day clinic, Ida will work with riders and auditors to use straightness to improve all facets of their riding. This is NOT just a lesson format clinic. It is heavily geared towards educating the auditor and includes demo rides and lecture. This clinic is open to both English and Western riders. The amazing pricing for this clinic is possible through the Violet Hopkins Fund grant through The Dressage Foundation (
Ida is a USEF "S" judge and a WDAA "R" judge, and competes at the highest levels of both disciplines.
Click here for more information on Ida Norris
*Registrations will be processed in the order received. Because we cannot limit the number of signups on the site, we will invoice you within a week of registering if you have a spot and payment will be required to hold it. Please note all registrations (auditing and rider) are non-refundable and are not held until full payment is made. If you were not able to register in time for a riding spot, we will add you to a wait list in case of any cancellations. Please note you must be a 2024 GED member to receive the member rate.*
Date: March 30th, 2024
Time: 9:30a-1:30p
Location: Willow Ridge - 3700 8th Ave, Hudsonville
Introduction to Ground Work & Long Lining with Kimberly Dunlap
Participant (limited 8)
GLASS-ED Member: $40
Non-Member: $60
Non-Member: $20

Unlike lunging a horse, with long lining you have a rein attached on either side of the bit or cavesson, which allows you to influence the inside/outside contact and bend. It also allows you to release the contact so you have a more elastic connection. Your horse gets to try new movements without balancing the weight of a rider. It is a great way to introduce young horses to bridle work while their bodies are still developing to carry a rider. It is also beneficial for the handler to better understand how the horse operates from a biomechanical standpoint, to train their eye and understanding of alignment, even thrust from behind, self carriage, and the subtle but powerful way our own body position and body language effects the horse, even when not in the saddle. When done correctly with patience and attention to detail it can be an effective tool to build body awareness, coordination, strength, responsiveness to light aids and confidence. It is a form of horsemanship that can benefit every horse, regardless of the sport or level.
In this clinic, Kimberly will demonstrate with her horses in various levels of long line training how to introduce your horse to the lines, what basic training the horse must have before even being placed in the lines, how to properly handle the lines, equipment basics and more. Participants will get a chance to handle the lines on a trained horse for a short time, so they are prepared to begin working with their horses at home. Kimberly will also offer a discount on private long lining lessons for participants who wish to come work with her and their own horse or one of hers for more hands-on. This will be a very open session with plenty of opportunities to ask questions.
Click here for more information on Kimberly Dunlap
*Registrations will be processed in the order received. Because we cannot limit the number of signups on the site, we will invoice you within a week of registering if you have a spot and payment will be required to hold it. Please note all registrations (auditing and participant) are non-refundable and are not held until full payment is made. If you were not able to register in time for a participant spot, we will add you to a wait list in case of any cancellations. Please note you must be a 2024 GED member to receive the member rate.*

Date: Wednesday, February 7th
Time: 7pm
Location: Virtual
Equine Nutrition Seminar with Dr. Nicole Rambo PH.D
Dr. Rambo combines her passion for horses with her expertise in nutrition to help fellow horse owners find the best program to support their horse's health and performance. Dr. Rambo is responsible for research and development, feed formulation and technical support for customers, dealers and sales force members. Dr. Rambo also travels extensively to present equine nutrition seminars for horse owners, industry professionals and continuing education programs for equine veterinarians. Join us for discussion on gut health and other equine topics. Questions welcome.
** It is required that all riders wear a helmet when participating in GLASS-ED events. **