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GLASS-ED Clinics & Educational Opportunities

What: Rider, horse, tack interactions - what do we know?
When: February 20, 2025 7PM
Where: Virtual Clinic
Cost: FREE
Who: Jane Manfredi, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVS-LA, DACVSMR (Equine), PG Dip Vet Ed, Mary Anne McPhail Dressage Chair in Equine Sports Medicine, AVE-Distinguished Expert, MSU Teacher-Scholar Associate Professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, College of Veterinary Medicine USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist
Come learn about the latest research in saddle and bridle fit and how that affects both the horse and their rider! Meet the new MSU Mary Anne McPhail Dressage Chair and share what future research you'd like to see performed.
Clinic Link:
What: Overcoming Show Nerves and Riding Fears
When: March 14, 7:00 - 9:00PM
Where: Virtual
Cost: Members - $30, Non-Members - $45
Who: Janet Sasson Edgette, PsyD – Equestrian Sports Psychologist
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Join us for a 2-hour interactive session with Janet Sasson Edgette, author of Heads Up! In this clinic, you will learn how to identify the ways in which your performance anxiety negatively affects the way you ride and then how to compensate for those changes. We'll talk about:
The problem with trying to "control" your show nerves
The debate about mental "toughness"
How anxiety is just like a bully and why it needs to be treated as such
Figuring out if you over-ride/under-ride when nervous and what to do about it
How to deal with perfectionism
The challenges of returning to the sport following a frightening fall, injury or event.
This approach to sport psychology is fresh, respectful of rider's time and in synch with the natural ways in which people triumph in spite of their emotions. You'll come away with renewed respect for your own instinctual intelligence and several strategies for riding your best even when you're anxious.
Dr. Janet Sasson Edgette is an equestrian sport psychologist and adolescent/family psychologist with a fifty year history of riding. She is the author of Heads Up: Practical Sports Psychology for Riders, Their Families and Their Trainers and The Rider's Edge: Overcoming the Psychological Challenges of Riding and five other books about parenting and counseling kids and teenagers.
This is a virtual clinic. Link will be sent to registered participants prior to the clinic.

What: An Introduction to Scribing – How-To Tips from Judges
When: March 22, 2025 10AM - 12 Noon
Where: Virtual
Cost: Free
Who: Stephanie Likens & Shari Wolke
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Interested in scribing but unsure what is required? Ready to give it a try but worried you might make a mistake? Come learn from not one but two excellent judges how to be best prepared. What should I bring? How do I know what box we’re in? What if I make a mistake? They’ll show you how to be successful and what to do if something goes wrong. Scribing is an amazing way to learn more about how judges score and what they are looking for in a test. We have an amazing show season with lots of shows that could happily put a scribe to good use!
Stephanie Likens is an L graduate with distinction, Carded MI Horse Show Judge, USDF Bronze Medalist and MSU Horse Judging Team Alumna.
Shari Wolke is an L graduate with distinction, USDF Bronze and Silver medalist, USDF Region 2 FEI Youth Coordinator, accepted into the USEF Small r Judges Training Program
This is a virtual clinic. Link will be sent to registered participants prior to the clinic.

What: The Basics of Assessing Saddle and Bridle Fit
When: April 5, Noon - 2:00PM
Where: Ada, MI
Cost: Members - $50, Non-Members - $65 (limit 12)
Who: Fran Cilella & Amanda Pitsch
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In this hands-on educational session, Fran will teach you the basics of assessing saddle fit, both English & Western saddles. You will learn what to look for and why it is critical in maintaining the health, soundness & performance of your horse. Amanda Pitsch will also briefly discuss bridle fit considerations.
After a brief presentation, you will have the opportunity to assess static saddle fit on a variety of horse types using several different saddles (provided by the host facility). You will also learn what to look for when purchasing a used saddle and how to assess fit to ensure a saddle fits you well & why that is as important as the saddle fitting your horse well.
Fran Cilella of the Animated Horse Equine Massage & Bodywork, Masterson Method Certified Practitioner/Instructor, Certified Equine Massage Therapist, Certified Equine K-Tape Practitioner & Approved Sure Foot Pad Practitioner, Trained by SaddleFit4Life
Learn more at
Amanda Pitsch – Bit Bank Australia Certified Coach, SaddleFit4Life student
What: An Introduction to Showing with GLASS-ED
When: April 12, Noon - 2:00PM
Where: Virtual
Cost: Free
Who: Carmen Medina, GLASS-ED Secretary, Show Host Committee Chair, Adult Amateur
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Are you overwhelmed by the rules that govern showing and awards? Unsure what paperwork needs to be filled out when for year end awards? Whose names go where? What classes qualify? How to earn or calculate points? Where to find the rules? What year end awards are available within and outside GLASS-ED? Join us for an interactive discussion to help make sure you get the most out of the show season. We’ll cover the basics you need to know, show you were to locate answers to questions, and answer any questions we have about shows – in-person, virtual, western dressage or traditional.
This is a virtual clinic. Link will be sent to registered participants prior to the clinic.

What: Positively Impact Your Riding Through Biomechanics
When: April 26 & 27
Where: Plainwell, MI
Cost - Riding: $220/member, $350 non-member – this includes a ride on Saturday and Sunday. (Limit 10)
Stalling available for additional fees.
Cost - Auditing: (Weekend) $20/member, $30 non-member
Who: Suzanne Galdun, Positively Dressage
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Rider biomechanics is a science-based approach to teaching riders how to use their bodies function in order to communicate to the horse the desired outcome in the moment. Based in both physics and neuroscience, this method truly teaches the “how” of riding in small, bite-size pieces, rather than overwhelming concepts. Developing awareness in the rider’s own mind-body connection is vital to gaining better influence over the horse. Every human body is different, and every horse’s body is different. Understanding how the two interface is essential to rider success.
Riders will participate both days, allowing Suzanne to provide effective feedback and reinforcement, while allowing auditors to see the impacts of small changes in rider position. Preference will be given to riders who have not ridden with her before.
This clinic will feature interactive morning sessions with auditors and unmounted participants to discuss key concepts used by Suzanne, providing everyone an understanding of the changes being initiated.
Day 1 - Interactive lecture - Discover how diaphragmatic breathing can unlock the power of your core in this interactive workshop. We will learn how to breathe deeply, recognize breathing habits, and discuss the fascial connections from the jaw to the seat.
Day 2 - Asymmetry workshop: Using various seated and standing exercises, we will explore imbalances in our bodies and discuss how they affect our position in the saddle. We will also learn about fascial lines and muscle chains in the human body and how they are mirrored in the horse.
Suzanne is one of only nine rider biomechanics coaches in the US currently accredited by Mary Wanless in her Ride With Your Mind method, and has been studying under Mary for over 10 years. Based in the suburbs of Chicago, IL, Suzanne has become a highly sought after clinician herself, teaching all levels of riders and horses, helping riders make small changes in their body to facilitate positive change in the horse.
While staying accessible to the local grass roots dressage community, Suzanne also coaches international FEI riders such as Lauren Sprieser and Jessica Jo Tate, as well as many of their students in clinics.
Learn more about Suzanne Galdun of Positively Dressage.
Thank you to The Dressage Foundation (TDF) for an educational grant for this clinic.

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